速報APP / 健康塑身 / ABS Hidden Truth

ABS Hidden Truth





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



ABS Hidden Truth(圖1)-速報App

Myth 1 – you get abs by doing ab exercises

This is the worst myth. For 95% of you, doing crunches, sit-ups, or ab machines will NOT get you abs. You already HAVE abs, if you didn’t your torso would be as limp as cooked spaghetti. The real problem is that your abs are hidden.

Myth 2 – you can get abs in just 8 minutes a day

If you could get abs in 8 minutes a day then everyone would have them!!! As I explained in the last myth, to get 6-pack abs you have to lose weight, not do ab exercises. There are 6min ab programs, 8min ab programs, 5min ab programs and NONE of them will give you six pack abs unless you lose body-fat.

Myth 3 – you can do spot fat removal

ABS Hidden Truth(圖2)-速報App

Where did this stupid myth get started? I get dozens of emails each week from people asking for exercises to remove love handles or belly fat. You CANT do spot fat removal! If you have love handles all you can do is keep reducing your bodyfat by eating less and doing more cardio till they disappear.

Myth 4 – to get 6-pack abs you need to buy something

If getting abs were as easy as buying something, everybody would have them! There is no end to these wishful (and expensive) devices. They all have one thing in common though, its the false idea that YOU don’t have to do anything – you can just sit back, relax and let something else do the work. These schemes vary from low tech to high tech.

Myth 5 – For lower abs you need to do special exercises

People often get the upper 4 abs, then they wonder what exercise they should do to get lower abs – I get this question ALL the time. There are no special exercises to work the lower abs, its just a matter of removing the fat over them. And remember myth #3, you cant do spot fat removal. If you want to see your lower abs so that you have a 6-pack or a 8-pack then you have to reduce your body-fat even more thru eating less and doing more cardio.

ABS Hidden Truth(圖3)-速報App

Myth 6 – Getting abs requires long, grueling ab workouts

I’ve seen many of these ab workouts on youtube, the one where some ripped 19 year old does every ab exercise in the world consecutively without any rest and claims that’s what it takes to look like him – nonsense. These 30-60 marathon minute ab workouts will give you strong abs but they are a waste of time if you are trying to get a visible 6-pack.